

    19 MU projects awarded IRC Government of Ireland funding



    (Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash)

    Monday, October 3, 2022 - 16:30

    Maynooth University postgraduate and postdoctoral research projects have been recognised and awarded funding under the Irish Research Council’s flagship Government of Ireland programmes.
    In total, 19 Maynooth projects - 16 postgraduate and three postdoctoral -- will receive funding under the Government of Ireland Programmes.
    The following projects have been included in an overall national allocation of €27 million for 2022:
    Maynooth University Postgraduate Research Projects

    · Alanna Kells, Law - The Legal & Ethical Impacts of Emerging Reproductive Technologies: A Human Rights-Based Analysis of Complete Ectogenesis from an Irish Perspective.

    · Andrea Woodcock, Biology - Are defective Dendritic cells in Obesity compromising vaccine responses?

    · Cathal Ryan, Biology - The Role of Human DEAD-box Protein 3 in Translational Reprogramming during Viral Infections.

    · Catherine Doorly, Biology - Investigating the role of nitric oxide in regulating plant and mammal innate immunity and hypoxia response as part of the N-degron pathway.

    · Conall Geoghegan Moore, Biology - Identification and Functional Characterisation of DDX3X Splice Variants.

    · Conall Ó Fátharta, History - Scandal or Silence: The Irish print media role in investigating and shaping historical Church and State abuse as national 'scandals' 1990-2020.

    ·  Eimhin O'Reilly, Sociology - Thinking Global, Acting Local: Extractivism, Hybrid Citizenship and Community Governance in Rural Honduras

    · Giovanni Parente, History  - The European Union at sea: a historical and geopolitical analysis of EU maritime operations and their impact on maritime governance and security, 2008-2020.

    · Harriet Wilkinson, Sociology - From ‘old wives’ tales to digital trackers: shifting social imaginaries of menstruation in Ireland.

    · Keelan Byrne, Chemistry - Quantum Chemical Study of the Electronic Structure of Low-Valent Aluminium Compounds.

    · Melanie Groening-McKenna, Education - A counter-narrative study on racialized micro-aggressions in post-primary contexts from the perspectives of individuals from different ethnic and racial minority groups.

    · Sandrine Tromeur, History - The Irish community of La Rochelle, 1602-1789: migration, integration, networks.

    · Sophie Thiesen, Geography - Coming of Age in a Wounded Place: Art by and for Young Adults in Ireland

    · Csaba Horvath, Geography - Storylines for a Climate Resilient Ireland.

    · Gillian Collins, Chemistry - New Cobalt based selenides as electrocatalysts for water splitting and fuel cell applications.

    · MESHACK OBEBO MORANGA, Biology - Natural colonisation of forest on post-industrial peatlands –implications for ecosystem services. 

    Maynooth University Postdoctoral Research Projects

    · Dr Jack Crangle, History - Black Ireland: race, culture and nationhood in the Irish Republic, 1948-95.

    · Dr Paul Fagan, English - Celibacy in Irish Women’s Writing, 1860s–1950s.

    · Dr Rupa Kasturi Palanisamy, Chemistry - Engineering the Next Generation Fuel Cells using MXenes based Electrocatalysts: Improved Efficiency, Stability, and Cost. 

    This year, 316 awards in total were funded; 239 postgraduate scholarships and 77 postdoctoral fellowships.
    Welcoming the announcement, Dr Louise Callinan, Director of the Irish Research Council, said: “The prestigious Government of Ireland awards recognise and fund pioneering research projects, along with addressing new and emerging fields of research that introduce creative and innovative approaches across all disciplines, including the sciences, humanities and the arts.

    Funding schemes like the IRC’s Government of Ireland programmes are vitally important to the wider research landscape in Ireland, as they ensure that researchers are supported at an early stage of their career and are given an opportunity to direct their own research.”
    To deliver on shared national objectives, each year the Government of Ireland programmes collaborate with strategic funding partners. Eleven of this year’s awards were made in collaboration with and funded by partner agencies. The agencies include the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and the Department of Foreign Affairs.

    Further information is available on IRC website


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