Staff Details
Position: Lecturer/ Assistant Professor
Email:[email protected]
Hadi received his PhD in Computer Engineering (distributed systems) in 2012 from the University of Isfahan, Iran. He was also a visiting PhD student at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands. He got his MSc in Computer Engineering (software), where his MSc thesis was in distributed data mining. He also holds a BSc in Computer Engineering (software) from the Isfahan University of Technology.
Research Project
Hadi worked at CONNECT in Trinity College Dublin (2019-2021) as a research fellow in the Enable research program. Before taking up this position, he established the PerLab (Pervasive Computing Lab) at Shahid Beheshti University. His main research area is service orchestration in edge and hybrid cloud environments.
Scientific Treatise
Book Chapters
• Bailey, J., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Clarke, S., Smoothing Speed Variability in Age Friendly Urban Traffic Management. International Conference on Computational Science. Springer, Cham, 2021.
• Hasanzadeh Fard S.,Tabatabaee Malazi H., A Two Dimensional Self coordination Mechanism of Agents in a Minority Game. In: Hojjat H., Massink M. (eds) Fundamentals of Software Engineering. FSEN 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11761. Springer, Cham.
Publications: Peer reviewed Journal Papers
1. Khazael, B„ Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Clarke,S. Complex Event Processing in Smart City Monitoring Ap plications. IEEE Access 9 (2021): 143150 143165.
2. Mirhosseini, M., Fazlali, M., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Izadi, SK., and Nezamabadi pour, H.ParallelQuadri valent Quantum Inspired Gravitational Search Algorithm on a heterogeneous platform for wireless sensor networks. Computers & Electrical Engineering 92 (2021): 107085, Elsevier.
3. Shahraki Khodabandeh, Z., Fatemi, A., and Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Evidential fine grained event localiza tion using Twitter. Information Processing & Management 56.6, (2019), Elsevier.
4. Toosinezhad, Z., Mohamadpoor, M. and Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Dynamic windowing mechanism to com bine sentiment and N gram analysis in detecting events from social media. Knowledge and Information Systems 60.1 (2019): 179 196, Springer.
5. Moradi Dakhel, A., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Mahdavi, M., A social recommender system using item asymmet ric correlation. Applied Intelligence, 48.3 (2018): 527 540, Springer.
6. Nourizadeh Azar, H., and Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Decentralized Detection of Hybrid Faults in Mobile Sensor Nodes, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 87(2018):210 225, Elsevier.
7. Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and and Davari, M., Combining Emerging Patterns with Random Forest for Com plex Activity Recognition in SmartHomes. Applied Intelligence, Volume 48, Issue. 2, pp 315 330, 2018, Springer.
8. Abdolmaleki, N., Ahmadi, M., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Sebastiano M., Fuzzy Topology Discovery Protocol for SDN based Wireless Sensor Networks. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 79, pp. 54 68, 2017, Elsevier.
9. Fazlali, M., Moradi,E., and Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Adaptive parallel Louvain community detection on a multicore platform. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 54 (2017): 26 34, Elsevier.
10. Tavakolpour, V., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Eshghi, Farshad. Bilateral localisation algorithm for wireless sensor networks with communication holes, Int. J. Sensor Networks, Volume 23, No. 2, pp.73–86, 2017, Inderscience.
11. Goudarzi, P., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Ahmadi, M. Khorramshahr: A Scalable Peer to Peer Architecture for Port Warehouse Management System. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 76, pp 49–59, 2016, Elsevier.
12. Sajjadian Amiri, S.M., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Ahmadi, M.,Memory Efficient Routing Using Bloom Filters in Large Scale Sensor Networks. Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 86, Issue 3, pp 1221–1240, 2016, Springer.
13. Fazlali, M., Valikhani, H., Timarchi, S., and Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Fast architecture for decimal digit multi plication. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 39(4 5), pp.296 301, 2015, Elsevier.
14. Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Zamanifar,K., Pruteanu,A.S., and Dulman, S.O., Gossip based density estimation in dynamic heterogeneous sensor networks. Intl. Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive communication sys tems (IJAACS) Vol.7 No.3 2014, Inderscience.
15. Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Zamanifar,K., Khalili,A. and Dulman, S.O. DEC: Diversity based Energy aware Clus tering for heterogeneous sensor networks, Journal of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN), Vol.17 No.1 2 pp.53 72, 2012, Ed. Old City Publishing.
16. Tabatabaee Malazi,H., Zamanifar,K. and Dulman,S.O. FED: Fuzzy Event Detection model for wireless sen sor networks, Intl. Journal of Wireless & Mobile networks (IJWMN), Vol.3 No.6 2011.
Publications: Peer reviewed Conference Papers
1. Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Siobhán Clarke. Distributed Service Placement and Workload Orchestration in a Multi access Edge Computing Environment , In IEEE International Confernce on Services Computing (IEEE SCC), 2021, Virtual conference.
2. Khazael, B., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Distributed coordination protocol for event data exchange in IoT mon itoring applications, In 11TH International (Virtual) Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT2020), Tehran, Iran.
3. Taghavi, S., Davari, F., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Abin, A. A.. Tennis stroke detection using inertial data of a smartwatch. In 9th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE) (pp. 466 474), 2019. IEEE.
4. Esfahani, P., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., PAMS: A new position aware multi sensor dataset for human activity recognition using smartphones. In 19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and Digital Systems (CADS’17) 2017, IEEE.
5. Taghizadeh Naderi, P., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Ghassemian, M., and Haddadi, H., Quality of claim metrics in social sensing systems: a case study on irandeal. In 6th international conference on computer and knowl edge engineering (ICCKE) (pp. 129 135), 2016, IEEE.
6. Moradi, E., Fazlali, M., and Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Fast parallel community detection algorithm based on modularity. In International Symposium on Computer Architecture and Digital Systems (CADS), 2015, pp. 1 4. IEEE
7. Asemi, R., Doostsadigh, E., Ahmadi, M. and Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Energy Efficiency in Virtual Machines Allocation for Cloud Data Centers Using the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm. In Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud), 2015 IEEE Fifth International Conference on (pp. 62 67), IEEE.
8. Tabatabaee Malazi, H., Zamanifar,k., Pruteanu, A.S. and Dulman,S.O. Gossip based density estimation in dynamic heterogeneous sensor networks. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IEEE IWCMC 2011), Turkey, 2011, pp. 1365 1370.IEEE.
9. Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Zamanifar, K., Handling uncertainty in composite event detection, In Proc. of the ISCA 23rd Intl. Conf. on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, ser. CAINE 2010, USA, 2010, pp. 309–314.
10. Sheikhha, F., Tabatabaee Malazi, H., and Amjadifard, R., Adaptive parasitized El Farol bar problem, In Proc. of WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (IEEE CSIE ’09), USA, 2009, pp. 422 426.