Staff Details
Position: Assistant Professor/ Lecturer
Siyuan Zhan obtained his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, in 2013, MSc In Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, in 2014 and PhD in Control Engineering from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK, in 2018. He is a recipient of the QMUL PhD scholarship.
Research Project
Siyuan’s research focus lies on the following topics:
·Linear and nonlinear economic model predictive control
·Reinforcement learning with safety requirements
·Autonomous vehicles motion planning and control
·Ocean renewable energy systems
·Ground and aerial robotics.
Siyuan is a lecturer/assistant professor with the Centre for Ocean Energy Research (COER), the Department of Electronic Engineering, Maynooth University (MU). Before joining MU, Siyuan worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Loughborough University, UK, on the control for autonomous vehicles and goal-oriented control systems.
Scientific Treatise
Journal Papers
1. S. Zhan and G. Li, Economic feedback model predictive control of wave energy converters. (IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019)
2. S. Zhan, J. Na and G. Li, Nonlinear noncausal optimal control of wave energy converters via approximate dynamic programming. (IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019)
3. S. Zhan, J. Na, G. Li and B. Wang, Adaptive model predictive control of wave energy converters. (IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018)
4. S. Zhan and G. Li, Linear noncausal optimal control of wave energy converters. (IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology (Regular Paper), 2018)
5. S. Zhan, G. Li, J. Na and W. He, Feedback noncausal model predictive control of wave energy converters. (Special Issue on Control of Power and Energy Systems, Control Engineering Practice, 2018)
6. J. Na, G. Li, B. Wang, G.Herrmann and S. Zhan, Robust adaptive optimal control of wave energy converters based on reinforcement learning. (IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2018)
7. J. Na, B. Wang, G. Li and S. Zhan, Online constrained optimal control of nonlinear wave energy converters with adaptive dynamic programming. (IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018)
8. S. Zhan, T. Steffen and W. Midgley. An optimal predictive cruise control strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles with recursive trip preview updates (In submission)
9. S. Zhan, P. Stansby, Z. Liao, and G. Li A fast model predictive control framework for Multi-DoF wave energy converter M4. (In submission)
10. S. Zhan, Controlling multi-motion wave energy converters with limited power take-off capacities using linear non-casual optimal control algorithms (In submission)
Conference Papers
1. S. Zhan and G. Li, Indefinite feedback model predictive control with preview information of bounded disturbance. (57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, USA, 2018)
2. S. Zhan, B. Wang, J. Na and G. Li, Adaptive optimal control of wave energy converters. (11th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Croatia, 2018)
3. S. Zhan, G. Li and W. He, Robust feedback model predictive control of sea wave energy converters. (The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Toulouse, France, 2017)
4. S. Zhan and G. Li, A reliable optimal controller design method for sea wave energy converters. (The European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Cork, Ireland, 2017)
5. S. Zhan, H. Huijberts, J. Na and G. Li, Optimal controller design and constraints analysis of a sea wave energy converter. (The 11th International Conference on Control, Belfast, UK, 2016)
6. J. Na, S. Zhan and G. Li, Online optimal control of wave energy converters via adaptive dynamic programming. (2018 American Control Conference, Milwaukee, USA, 2018)