

    Dr. Christopher Roadknight


    Staff Details

    Position: Lecturer/ Assistant Professor

    Email:[email protected]

    Chris Roadknight is currently a Lecturer/Assistant Professor at Maynooth University, Ireland with research interest in agent-based simulation, machine learning and their applications. Prior to the current position, he was Assistant Professor at University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. He has also held research and management positions withing the National Health Service and British Telecom applying simulation and AI technologies to solve challenging real-world problems. He did his PhD at Nottingham Trent University on modelling the impact of complex environmental conditions on agriculture. He has published widely in journals, conferences, and patents with over 1000 citations.

    Research Project

    Scientific Treatise

    Research Projects

    1.Optimising Traffic Flow at the Post of Dover 2010-2012 in association and part funded by the Port of Dover and EPSRC

    2.Modelling Colorectal Cancer Outcomes. In association with Nottingham University Hospitals

    3.Modelling Tanzania Telecoms Traffic 2017. EPSRC (EP/L021080/1)

    4.Ningbo Port Modelling. Ningbo Science Technology Bureau, Ref: 2019B10026. 2019/10-2022. PI.

    Recent-ish Papers

    1.Improving understanding of EEG measurements using transparent machine learning models

    C Roadknight, G Zong, P Rattadilok

    International Conference on Health Information Science, 134-142


    2.Teaching key machine learning principles using anti-learning datasets

    C Roadknight, P Rattadilok, U Aickelin

    2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning

    3.Teaching students about machine learning through a gamified approach

    P Rattadilok, C Roadknight, L Li

    2018 IEEE international conference on teaching, assessment, and learning

    4.Improving Student's Engagement Through the Use of Learning Modules, Instantaneous Feedback and Automated Marking

    P Rattadilok, C Roadknight

    2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning

    5.An ensemble of machine learning and anti-learning methods for predicting tumour patient survival rates

    C Roadknight, D Suryanarayanan, U Aickelin, J Scholefield, L Durrant

    2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics

    6.Preliminary experiments with ensembles of neurally diverse artificial neural networks for pattern recognition

    A Adamu, T Maul, A Bargiela, C Roadknight

    Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2015, 85-96


    7.Data classification using the Dempster–Shafer method

    Q Chen, A Whitbrook, U Aickelin, C Roadknight

    Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 26 (4), 493-517


    8.A methodology for automatic classification of breast cancer immunohistochemical data using semi-supervised Fuzzy c-Means

    DTC Lai, JM Garibaldi, D Soria, CM Roadknight

    Central European Journal of Operations Research 22 (3), 475-499


    9.Ensemble learning of colorectal cancer survival rates

    C Roadknight, U Aickelin, J Scholefield, L Durrant

    2013 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual

    10.Supervised learning and anti-learning of colorectal cancer classes and survival rates from cellular biology parameters

    C Roadknight, U Aickelin, G Qiu, J Scholefield, L Durrant

    2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

    11.Biomarker clustering of colorectal cancer data to complement clinical classification

    C Roadknight, U Aickelin, A Ladas, D Soria, J Scholefield, L Durrant

    2012 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems


    DJ Heatley, JE Tateson, CM Roadknight, MA Shackleton

    EP Patent 1,866,669


    13.Validation of a microsimulation of the Port of Dover

    C Roadknight, U Aickelin, G Sherman

    Journal of Computational Science 3 (1-2), 56-66 12


    14.Nodal policy inclusive techniques for operating an ad hoc network

    CM Roadknight

    US Patent 8,031,684


    15.Sensing system

    DJT Heatley, JE Tateson, CM Roadknight, MA Shackleton

    US Patent 7,755,971



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