郭龙坤,福州大学教授/博士生导师, CCF理论计算机专委会执行委员,福建省计算机学会理事,中国数学规划学会青年理事。主要研究兴趣为算法设计与分析,包括计算机网络、云边环境、机器学习等领域中的数学建模与组合最优化算法设计。至今共发表SCI /EI/ISTP收录的国内外主流学术期刊与会议论文100多篇,其中SCI二区/CCF B类以上论文二十余篇。已成功主持完成一项国家自然科学基金面上项目与一项国家自然科学基金青年项目;主持完成四项省部级基金(其中包括一项教育部全额资助的博士点基金)。作为主要骨干人员参加多项国家与省部级自然科学基金。
2020年9月 - 今,福州大学,数学与计算机科学学院,教授
2018年9月 - 今,福州大学,数学与计算机科学学院,博士生导师
2011年7月 - 2020年8月,福州大学,数学与计算机科学学院,讲师/副教授
2015年9月-2016年9月,澳大利亚阿德莱德大学,Research Associate (依托澳方项目“Privacy Preserving Internet Traffic Classification”, 资助号DP150104871).
7.澳大利亚Discovery Project, 隐私保护的网络流量分类Privacy Preserving Internet Traffic Classification,批准号DP150104871(参与,主要执行人,已结题)
8.国家科技重大专项课题,大规模超低电压设计时序分析并行化技术研究,2019.01- 2022.12(参与,第五,在研)
11.福建省自然科学基金, 大数据背景下稀疏主成份分析的快速算法及其在基因诊断中的应用,2015.05-2018.04(参与,第三,已结题)
Ø2019年International Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications最佳论文奖,奖励年度2019,排序第一
Ø2014年,“On the Complexity of the edge-disjoint Min-Min problem in Planar Digraphs”, 第十一届福建省自然科学优秀论文二等奖
l用于多路径路由的多条部分不相交最短路径快速寻找方法,已授权;专利授权国(地区):中国;专利号 /申请号:zl201810841121.7;排序:1/6
1.Yunyun Deng,Longkun Guo(通讯作者), Kewen Liao, Yi Chen: On finding maximum disjoint paths with different colors: Computational complexity and practical LP-based algorithms.Theoretical computer science, 886: 157-168 (2021).CCF B期刊
2.Hongxiang Zhang, Dachuan Xu,Longkun Guo(通讯作者), Jingjing Tan. Parallelized maximization of nonsubmodular function subject to a cardinality constraint,Theoretical Computer Science, 864: 129-137 (2021).CCF B期刊
3.Xin Sun, Dachuan Xu,Longkun Guo(通讯作者), Min Li.Deterministic approximation algorithm for submodular maximization subject to a matroid constraint.Theoretical Computer Science,890:1-15 (2021).CCF B期刊
4.Longkun Guo,Peng Li. On the complexity of and algorithms for detecting k-length negative cost cycles.Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,42(3): 396-408 (2021)数学T2期刊
5.Yang-Geng Fu, Jin-Hui Zhuang, Yu-Peng Chen,Long-Kun Guo(通讯作者), Ying-Ming Wang. A framework for optimizing extended belief rule base systems with improved Ball trees. Knowledge-Based Systems(210), 106484.SCI一区
6.Xing Chen, Haijiang Wang, Yun Ma, Xianghan Zheng,Longkun Guo(通讯作者): Self-adaptive resource allocation for cloud-based software services based on iterative QoS prediction model.Future Generation Computer Systems. 105: 287-296 (2020).SCI一区
7.Pei Yao,Longkun Guo(通讯作者). Exact algorithms for finding constrained minimum spanning trees.Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, DOI: 10.1007/s10878-020-00579-z数学T2期刊
8.Longkun Guo, Min Li and Dachuan Xu, Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Coverage with Group Budget Constraints,Theoretical computer science, 788: 53-65 (2019).CCF B期刊
9.Longkun Guo, Hong Shen and Wenxing Zhu, Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Multi-Antennae Largest Weight Data Retrieval,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 16(12): 3320-3333 (2017).CCF A期刊
10.Longkun Guoand Hong Shen, Improved Approximation Algorithms for Bounded Flexible Scheduling in Clouds,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(12): 3511-3520 (2017).CCF A期刊
1.Longkun Guo,Wenjie Zou, Chenchen Wu, Dachuan Xu, and Ding-zhu Du, MinSum Movement of Barrier and Target Coverage using Sink-based Mobile Sensors on the Plane. InProceedings of the 41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2021): 696-706. (19.8 % acceptance rate,分布式计算top-tier会议, CCF B类)
2.Bingshu Wang, Lanfan Jiang, Wenxing Zhu,Longkun Guo, Jianli Chen, Yao-Wen Chang: Two-Stage Neural Network Classifier for the Data Imbalance Problem with Application to Hotspot Detection. InProceedings of the 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference(DAC 2021): 175-180.CCF A类
3.Pei Yao,Longkun Guo(通讯作者), Peng Li, Jiawei Lin. “Improved Fast Algorithms for Optimal Min-Max Line Barrier Coverage with Mobile Sensors on the Plane”, InProceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2021), pp 159–166 ( CORE rank-A, 19.5% acceptance rate)
4.Longkun Guo,Yunyun Deng, Kewen Liao, Qiang He, Timos Sellis, Zheshan Hu.A Fast Algorithm for Optimally Finding Partially Disjoint Shortest Paths, InProceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI2018): 1456-1462.CCF A类
5.Longkun Guo, Kewen Liao, Hong Shen, Peng Li: Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Computing k Disjoint Restricted Shortest Paths. InProceedings of the 27th ACM on Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2015): pp 62-64.CCF B类
注1.CCF 推荐A、B、C类期刊/会议:指《中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议和期刊目录》中将计算机学科的刊物和会议划分的A、B、C三档。依其官方网站说明,其中A类指国际上极少数的顶级刊物和会议,鼓励我国学者去突破;B类指国际上著名和非常重要的会议、刊物,有重要的学术影响,鼓励国内同行投稿;C类指国际学术界所认可的重要会议和刊物(见//www.ccf.org.cn/Academic_Evaluation/By_category)。